Consulenza per lo sviluppo di una proposta di progetto

  • Tipo contratto :
    Da definire
  • Durata :
    2 mesi
  • Scadenza invio candidature :
  • Inizio previsto :
  • Sede di lavoro :
    Da definire
  1. Context

Interreg NEXT MED is a Program funded by the European Union (EU) that supports transnational co- operation through the financing of joint projects which aim at making the Mediterranean area more resilient to the shared challenges it faces.

Thematic projects: this type of projects represents the bulk of the call for proposals and can be sub- mitted under Priorities 1, 2, and 3. Thematic projects should be conceived as having a significant demonstration and pilot dimension, focusing on the joint development and testing of innovative, breakthrough solutions that contribute to addressing the challenges related to the concerned priority and relevant specific objective. Scale-up of already developed solutions using existing results which efficiency has been proven in the framework of previous initiatives and implemented projects should be considered by potential applicants. As far as possible, projects should build and capitalize on exist- ing knowledge and results, avoiding “reinvent the wheel” and starting from scratch. Instead of follow- ing the conventional pattern for project design – with a sequence starting with a phase of analysis or theoretical study, followed by the actual implementation of the operational phase including pilot ac- tivities – projects should link with demonstrated achievements, consistently with the specific scope of the project, making use of and adapting - whenever possible - existing results, knowledge, models, pilots. This approach should give more emphasis on and time for the operational phase, including pilot and testing activities on the ground, providing more opportunities for drafting analysis, studies and developing models based on an empirical phase and the actual results and outcomes of the project at transnational level. Ideally, thematic projects should aim to achieve an impact at different levels, in- cluding technical(piloting to demonstrate efficiency of and/or scale-up existing/new technologies, eco- nomic, innovation, social, capacity-building schemes), societal (improving the behaviors and mindsets of citizens/stakeholders/institutions to drive “cultural” changes in terms of attitudes toward key topics such as sustainability, innovation, circularity, entrepreneurship, etc.), regulatory (by fostering an ena- bling ‘ecosystem’, including plans and regulations, subsidies, economic support, etc. to advance on key topics for territorial development).

2. Objective:

This call for proposals will contribute to responding to the 3rd priority: A more social and inclusive Mediterranean and specifically to the specific objective 3.2: Equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family- and community-based care.

3.  Description:

We are looking for an experienced consultant to draft a project within the framework of the Interreg Next Med program, focusing on migration and funded by the European Union (EU). The selected can- didate will be responsible for drafting a solid project proposal, in line with the criteria and guidelines for EU funding.